
Study in Ireland

The Island of Ireland, including Northern Ireland which is administered by the United Kingdom, has the population of five million. Because of its size, travel within Ireland is relatively easy.

Study in Ireland

The Republic of Ireland is a small independent nation situated on the West Coast of Europe, with a population of under four million people. Although they do have their own distinctive Celtic language and culture, English is the predominant language spoken in Ireland today. Irish people are renowned for their friendliness and hospitality.The United Kingdom and other parts of Europe are also easily accessible by both air and sea. The capital of Ireland is Dublin. As the gateway of Europe, this modern nation whose vibrant Celtic origin continues to regulate the pulse of the country, offers a truly rewarding experience for the visiting student.

Ireland’s long and honorable tradition in educational excellence is recognized the world over. Dating back to the Middle Ages, Ireland held the position of the principal education providers to the western world. The Irish Education System was traditionally divided into three levels: primary(8 years); secondary (5 or 6 years) and third level which offers a wide range of opportunities from post-secondary courses, to vocational and technical training, to full degree and the highest postgraduate level

Ireland has a rich heritage and the influence of its culture has been felt the world over, probably more than any other, from music, art, myths, language, food and literature. For a very long time, with no newspapers, radio or TV, news and events were put to music and relayed by the Bards that traveled the land. A Bard was always welcome, as his music and poetry was entertaining as well as bringing news of what was happening throughout the country side.

Voyages Conseiller represents prestigious education institutions for students to study in Ireland. Our team has expertise in dealing with admission application across many countries for Ireland education system ensuring the best possible service.

Ireland’s worldwide reputation for high quality education is built on the solid foundation of commitment to excellence.

  • Students enrolled on courses on the Degree Programme are allowed to undertake an internship where this forms part of their programme. This is subject to the following rules.
    • The internship or work placement part of the programme cannot exceed 50% of the duration of the programme e.g. a 4 year programme would permit 2 years of work placement. In addition, the employment cannot be in a self-employed capacity.
    • Work placements as part of an academic programme must form an integral part of the programme which contributes to the final award.
    • Educational facilities must also ensure that the placements are suited to the programme being pursued.

Post Study Pathways

  • It may be possible to stay in Ireland after you complete your studies for the purpose of seeking employment under the Irish Third Level Graduate Scheme. This scheme exists to allow legally resident non-EU third level graduates to remain in Ireland in order to look for employment or apply for a green card/work permit.
    • During their approved stay under the scheme, a student can work full-time (40 hours a week).
    • The permission under the Irish Third Level Graduate Scheme is nonrenewable.
    • A student can only avail of the Third Level Graduate Scheme in accordance with the rules below.
    • Third Level Graduate Scheme


    This allows non-EU/EEA students who have graduated from Irish higher education institutions to remain in Ireland for 12 months to seek employment.

    To be eligible for a one year permission under the third level graduate scheme, a student is required to have:

    • an award granted by a recognized Irish awarding body, for example Dublin Institute of Technology, Irish universities, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Institutes of Technology with delegated authority).
    • Students are eligible for scheme if they have a Bachelor, Master or PhD degree
    • Employers can hire graduates who are eligible to work for up to 40 hours per week.
    • You must have a valid GNIB card which will be extended for 12 months

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